Is a Birth Plan Important?

Is a Birth Plan Important?

“Should I make a birth plan?” This is a question we get a lot in our Doula agency.  Like everything mommy related, there is a Yes camp and a No camp. YES! These are usually the people who are very organized and need a plan, because they like to plan everything....
Essential Oils for Labour

Essential Oils for Labour

Do you use essential oils? Essential oils – they’re everywhere!  You’ve probably seen friends reference them on your social media feeds, or see them diffused in various places of business. They’re even sold in pharmacies and grocery stores now. So what exactly...
How to Turn Your Breech Baby

How to Turn Your Breech Baby

The story of my breech baby   Close to the end of my second pregnancy, I learned that my baby was breech. She was in a Frank breech position – her bum was down, and her legs were straight up – instead of being in the usual head down position. This knowledge...