by Sylvia Otvos | Oct 30, 2020 | Newborn Care, Parenting
Do you have questions and concerns when it comes to cloth diapers? Perhaps you think it’s too messy. You’ll have to do too much laundry. Or it’s too expensive. Recently we chatted with Jessica Lefebvre from BébéAuric –...
by Sylvia Otvos | Oct 19, 2020 | Childbirth
“Should I make a birth plan?” This is a question we get a lot in our Doula agency. Like everything mommy related, there is a Yes camp and a No camp. YES! These are usually the people who are very organized and need a plan, because they like to plan everything....
by Sylvia Otvos | Oct 8, 2020 | Doulas, Pregnancy
As the owner of the Doula agency, Rock the Cradle, I get all sorts of questions from expectant parents, from what kind of services do we offer to what a Doula actually does to where is the best place to give birth. One question I also get a lot is “When is the best...
by Sylvia Otvos | Jul 17, 2020 | Pregnancy
It took me close to a year to get pregnant with my first baby. I was over 35 – which is considered a geriatric pregnancy! – so after 6 months we started down the infertility path at a clinic and got all the necessary tests done to see what was up. I...
by Sylvia Otvos | Jan 22, 2020 | Pregnancy
Seeing Your Chiropractor When Pregnant Did you know that a chiropractor specializing in pregnant women can help you with many pregnancy and postpartum symptoms? So if you are suffering from sciatica, lower back pain, upper back pain, sore shoulders from breastfeeding,...