January has sped by and it’s taken me awhile to get back into my regular routine – so this is the first Sunday Brunch with the Doulas for 2019!
We have so many ideas and plans for the coming year – it’s very exciting! Already we’re enjoying the warmth and coziness of our new space in Westmount. We hope you can join us for our next Mom and Baby Get-Together this week on February 5th at 10 a.m.! We’re also starting a new group in Laval in February! See below for details.
Our amazing Doulas – who love to learn – will be taking a myriad of courses this year that will benefit you too! From Reiki, to Ayurvedic massage, to helping women process their birth stories, we can’t wait to share more with you.
And if you run your own business, I’d love for you to join my Rock Your Biz with Sylvia Otvos Facebook page! As a Business and Life Coach, I help women entrepreneurs thrive in their own businesses doing what they love most. My new tagline: I help women give birth….to babies and to businesses!
It’s a cold week in many parts of the world – and particularly here – so keep warm!
Sylvia xox
Here’s what our team’s been up to this week!
Last week we were back with our Facebook Live Show, Doula Dialogues, and Sylvia spoke with Pediatric Sleep Specialist Shawna Rose from Destination Sleep. They chatted about naps, routines, the infamous 4-month sleep regression and how to stay sane while traveling with baby!
Out of the mouths of babes:
Jenny: “I just asked the kid to put his clothes in his drawer. He’s not complaining but he is singing ‘It’s a Hard Knock Life…”
What we’re watching:
Mika: A new way to think about the transition to motherhood – an amazing Ted talk by reproductive psychiatrist Alexandra Sacks.
When a baby is born, so is a mother — but the transition to motherhood is not always an easy one. Alexandra Sacks explains the concept of ‘matrescence’, the emotional tug-of-war that comes with becoming a new mother.
What podcasts we’re on and listening to:
Jenny: I was somehow very late to the podcast game. A friend of mine, a busy homeschooling mom of three, shared with me her secret for sanity was to clean the house and do errands with an earbud in and a podcast on. I figured it was worth checking out. I have a long list of kids’ podcasts I love, but wanted to share some for adults, first.
Yesterday, I was interviewed on this amazing, relatively new Montreal-based podcast called THE SPIRIT BROS. I apologize in advance for dropping a few F-bombs and leaving part-way through to “go pee,” (face palm) but I talk about all kinds of things, including my book, breastfeeding, postpartum depression and why I love Sylvia so much.
Just this week, two amazing women that I’ve known for sometime launched new podcasts:
Karine Ricard launched her French podcast, Affaires et magie de mères, about all things motherhood. You might recognize some of the names of her upcoming guests.
Julie Cosmariu, who you might have seen in conversation with Sylvia on our FB Live show, Doula Dialogues, has also started a new series called Voices that create Change. One of the things I love about this podcast is that it airs live, and you can pipe in with real-time questions for Julie and her guests.
Favourite birthing tool:
Ayda: If a client experiences hip pain during a contraction, I ask her to lie on her side with her bottom leg straight out on the bed while the top leg is extended over bottom one, dangling off the bed. I then apply pressure on the hip of that leg.

What we’re reading:
Sylvia: I just started Educated, a memoir by Tara Westover and I’m loving it! Tara was one of seven children raised by survivalists in the mountains of Idaho. Her parents (her mother was a midwife and healer) did not believe in schools or hospitals and they lived pretty much off the grid. Tara eventually taught herself and was admitted to university at the age of seventeen.
Favourite birth affirmation:
Heather: I will welcome my baby in peace and joy.”
What’s new with RTC?
We have a new Mom and Baby Group starting in Laval!! Join us every two weeks starting February 18th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Coccinelle Demoiselle, 355 Samson Blvd in Laval. The space sells coffee and treats, and also has a boutique showcasing baby products, toys, gifts, and the owner also hosts arts and crafts workshops for kids and adults! Doula Ayda De Souza will be on site to animate the groups.
Well, that’s been our week! Thanks for reading. We’d love to hear what you liked best so please let us know.
Have a lovely Sunday and see you in two weeks!
The RTC Doulas
P.S. If you’re not up-to-date on our latest Doula Dialogue Episodes, please subscribe and watch them on our YouTube Channel!
P.S.S. We’ve posted our 2019 dates for our Power of Positive Birth prenatal classes on our website! Register now for a fun and hands-on class. There are two new French class dates too!