Are you prepared for postpartum?


Welcome to Doula Dialogues, our Facebook Live Show! Today on Episode #3 of Doula Dialogues, Birth Doula Sylvia Otvos and Postpartum Doula Jenny Bee share their experiences when it comes to preparing for postpartum before giving birth, allowing you to settle into your new role as parents with as much grace and ease as possible.

We know that parenting is the toughest job there is. And those first three months are the hardest! Especially when you’re recovering from birth, your perineum and breasts are sore, your baby only wants to be on you 24/7 and you don’t know when your next good night of sleep will be!

So, listen up as we share our best tips and tools for preparing for postpartum before you bring baby home.

We’ll chat about food, breastfeeding, your perineum and all that good stuff!

We hope you enjoy this discussion. You can catch all our episodes on our YouTube Channel! 

Want to see us live? Tune in every Friday at 12 p.m. on our Rock the Cradle Facebook page. 


p.s. Want more tips and tools? Sign up for our newsletter for all the latest on pregnancy, birth and babies!